info : Covid-19 & Cancellation Insurance
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For several years, we propose a cancellation insurance (not compulsory) during the booking process for stays, via our ThelisResa booking platform or by mail by printing the booking contract. This insurance is proposed by Campez-couvert.com and it is evolving …
In the current context of the health crisis, your behavior has changed profoundly in terms of travel reservations. The fear of having to cancel your stay because of COVID-19 has become one of the main obstacles to booking.
In order to reassure you for the organization of your vacation, Campez Couvert is changing its contract to provide you with a travel insurance contract responding to the issues of COVID-19.
In addition to traditional guarantees such as payment of cancellation costs, interruption of stay or medical assistance benefits, the new “COVID” guarantees cover bookers facing the individual consequences of the epidemic.
The new contract provides for:
- Reimbursement of cancellation fees in the event of contracting the Covid19 disease, positive screening, and proven Covid contact;
- Covering the cancellation costs in the event of denied boarding following a temperature measurement during transport (plane, station, boat, etc.);
- Assistance services covering, in particular, accommodation costs related to a fortnight, repatriation following flight cancellation, payment of medical costs, medical repatriation of the insured, medical teleconsultation services …
For more information, you can download the documents below:
- General Insurance Conditions in French
- General Insurance Conditions in English
- General Insurance Conditions in Dutch
- Informative brochure of Campez Couvert